Mythbusting No. 1: Toads Give You Warts?
Myth or Fact?
Consensus: Myth! There are no amphibians that will give you warts. Warts are caused by HPV virus - which is only prevalent in humans - and can more easily pass through cracked or dry skin. Rest assured, your toad friends are not to blame!
Where did this myth come from?
While we don’t know for sure when this myth began to circulate, we can assume for now that it originates with the bumpy, “warty” nature of toad skin. While these are not technically warts per se, they serve as a means for camouflage for these little amphibians. (Especially when digging and burrowing - the bumps make the toad look like a little lump of dirt to a passing predator.)
Some toads have bumps (make that glands) that secrete toxins as a defense mechanism against predators. Keep in mind if you’re out catching toads that depending on the species, these secretions can burn your skin and eyes! Please herp responsibly for your safety and the safety of your local amphibians.
Fun Fact! There are 9 types of toads in Colorado.
But, if you really want to get technical, many don’t consider spadefoots true toads, given that they have vertical pupils and no parotoid glands. Taking away the 4 spadefoot varieties, we have 5 “true” toad species present throughout Colorado.