Reptiles and amphibians are a critical part of our local and global ecosystems, of which we are dedicated to protect and encourage others to appreciate. All of our education programs include different conservation topics, some of which you can learn more about below:
Amphibian Decline
Exotic Pet Trade
Habitat Loss
Promotion of conservation efforts by our volunteers and board members is just one way that we help our local ecosystem. We are also proud to partner with other local organizations to help support their efforts in ecosystem sustainability and preservation.
Check out our volunteer board members’ conservation efforts below:
Local Research
Advisory Board Member Hannah Caracalas has participated in field studies in southern Colorado working alongside professionals and other growing scientists to collect and publish data on the Colorado Checkered Whiptail lizard (Aspidoscelis neotesselatus).
Board President, Kate Boyd, is a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator for reptiles and amphibians and has worked hard to bring wildlife rehabilitation back to Larimer County after a long period of absence… starting with reptiles and amphibians!
Threatened Species
Advisory Board Member Gaby Carbonell worked with leatherback sea turtles in South America, making sure that nest sites stayed undisturbed and helping ensure hatchlings made it to the water on their first journey to the ocean from their nest sites.